Monday, August 11, 2014

Baking Lately- Summer Edition

If you don't follow my Sweet Elise Facebook Page, then you're missing out on some of the fun baking projects I've worked on lately.  Holidays, birthday parties, and showers- OH MY! It's been a busy summer, and I'm looking forward to a much needed break in the month of September so that we can get our kitchen remodel finished. I promised Hank I would not take on any jobs for the whole month. We'll see how that goes.

First up- cakes. I'm always hesitant to take on character cakes, mainly because they often involve the use of fondant. That is my least favorite medium, as I much prefer buttercream. But I did manage to pull off a super cute panda and a lamb, so at least I know I can do them if asked. My  most favorite cake of all was the Papel Picado cake that I made for my nephew's first birthday. I'll post more details this week as my sister really outdid herself for the fiesta.

The Holland House: Baking Lately-  Cakes

The Holland House: Baking Lately-  Cakes

I don't mind making cakes, but I really love working on cookies. These really are my favorite things to make, and I feel like I haven't been able to do as many as I would like lately. I'm working on two orders over the next two weeks though, and before you know it, it will be time for holiday cookies. I can't wait!

The Holland House: Baking Lately-  Cookies

Finally, I have made a few fun cupcakes. The Churro cupcakes for Blair's fiesta were delicious! I'm also working on a batch of floral cupcakes for a bridal shower this weekend. I'm making wafer paper flowers for the first time, and I can't wait to share the project with you. I have high hopes for how it turns out.

The Holland House: Baking Lately- Cupcakes


  1. Oh my gosh! I'm so impressed by your work.You are SO talented! Now you've got me wanting cake and cookies.

  2. So much talent! I still owe you a picture of cookies - I kept telling myself I could get a better one than I posted on Instagram - and then have the tendency to forget until its pitch black outside. I'll remember. Sometime ;)


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